Harvesting and Transferring the Cat’s Odours to a New Environment or Object

Copyright Caroline Clark

Suddenly introducing a cat to a new environment, making changes to the home or introducing new objects and furniture can disturb a cat’s familiar scent.

This guide provides the steps for harvesting and transferring the cat’s unique scent to their new or changing environment so they recognise it as a safe and secure place to be.

  • Prepare several cotton cloths cut in to small squares (about half the size of a face cloth). Alternatively light weight cotton gloves can be used.
  • Remove any residual scent by boiling or washing on a high temperature without using any detergents and then air dry.
  • When the cats are relaxed, gently collect odours using the gloved hand or on the cloth wrapped around the hand (see Figure 14.1).
  • Harvest odours from the face and head, stroking where there is an abundance of pheromone secreting glands (i.e. the area in front of the ears, where fur is thin, under the chin and on the cheeks.
  • After generously covering the scent cloth, transfer the scent. Do this immediately as scents can deteriorate quickly.
  • Rub the cloth on any new items, covering them all over.
  • In new environments, or redecorated rooms, focus on the corners of walls and the edges of doors at cat height (where they are likely to rub their bodies and face).
  • Follow this regime twice daily for at least a couple of days until they have established their own scent profile.
  • This same technique can be used when sharing odours between a newcomer cat and resident cats as part of the introduction process (see this resource).

See this guide in action in my short video below.

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