Caroline Clark
Caroline has a long and varied career working with companion animals. After many years working as a veterinary nurse she attended teacher training college and pursued a career in education - teaching veterinary nursing and other animal related subjects. Caroline's interest in behaviour led her to Southampton University where she gained a post graduate diploma in companion animal behaviour counselling and, after qualifying in 2006, she opened her own behaviour referral clinic in Yorkshire . She is a full member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) and is one of only a relatively small number of specialists to have achieved the status of Registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB) with the Animal Behaviour Training Council. (ABTC). Caroline is the author of two books: Fear and Anxiety in Dogs, published by Crowood Press and A Professional's Guide to Feline Behaviour, published by CRC Press. Caroline has also written several articles for veterinary journals, is a public speaker and has appeared as the animal specialist on the 20 part, Channel Four TV series, ‘Embarrassing Pets’ which is still aired worldwide.