Preventing Cat Conflicts: Protocol for Non-Recognition Aggression
After a trip to the vets, cattery or groomers a cat will inevitably pick up new, strange scents. Certain procedures (bandages, medical collars, hair clipping…
Training a Dog to Accept a Muzzle
Help! My Cats Don’t Get Along: Tips for Peaceful Coexistence
“Help! my cats don’t get on” is a frequent call I get from cat owners. It usually follows after another cat is introduced to keep…
Aggression in Parrots
Systematic Desensitisation & Counter-Conditioning
Teaching a ‘Settle’ or ‘Calm’ Cue
Understanding and Dealing with Overly Attached Parrots
A common problem that arises for parrot owners’ is the bird that becomes overly bonded to one particular member of the household. Aggression can be…
Using a House Line
Meeting Visitors in the Home
Unraveling Feline Aggression: Understanding the Causes and Managing the Behaviour
Aggression is a broad term. In a cat it ranges from hissing and growling, up to a full blown attack. However this description doesn’t tell…
Top Tips for Understanding Dog Body Language and Communication
Observe body language You can watch your own dog in the home, when out on walks and during play sessions. See how they interact with…
Fear Aggression in Dogs: Expert Tips and Strategies
One of the most common problems I am asked to give seminars on, or help pet owners with, is “aggression”. However this label can be…